MVP for Sale!!

LeBron James King or MVP?

MVP For Sale!
“I’m 24 years old and I’m receiving this award, I never thought it would happen this fast,” LeBron James said…and he is right! It happened too fast!

As I watch the NBA games I am getting more and more frustrated listening to the analysts bestow the MVP to LeBron James as if the season was already over and he won a championship.

My problem with this is that my definition of MVP does not seem to match the NBA’s definition of MVP or ESPN’s definition either.

My problem with LeBron is that I do not think he is MVP worthy because he has not proven anything other than he can score and his team does have the best record in the NBA. However I see no maturity from LeBron of 2009 and LeBron 2010. His sportsman like conduct or lack thereof still consists of pouting off the court after a loss like a grown baby, choking in 4th quarters (0 to 3 points on average)and seemingly not concerned about the Cleveland organization and fellow teammates but rather his own personal agenda. I understand not wanting to loose and his own admission of being a “sore loser” but an MVP caliber player is someone who rises to the occasion and is humble in defeat as well as in victory. 

With all that he did after receiving the MVP last year why he is even in contention for another one this year mystifies me. I can name the obvious choice, Kobe Bean Bryant and to me he still gets no love. Maybe because he makes it look too easy or maybe people are still holding past sins against him. How about Kevin Durant who has scored over 25 points a night for about 30 games consecutively? Or even Carmelo Anthony who is an asset to his organization and has made great changes to his game and image to warrant such a prized possession? Or as much as it pains me, Paul Peirce who is Boston’s leading scorer and motivator of the team and mentor to his younger teammates?

Why doesn't Kobe get any love?

As far as I am concerned, LeBron James is not MVP worthy. He has been handed the key to Akron Ohio and the NBA without really having to work for it. I look at Kobe and see a man who changed his game, became humble and worked for everything he got but still gets little to no accolades. I wonder what people’s definition of MVP is and since when do we give them out to people based on what we “hope” they will become.

No I don’t not dislike LeBron James and hope he becomes a better all around player, but in the meantime, he needs to earn the MVP by being a good teammate, by rising above adversity in the 4th quarter especially and by showing humility and grace on and off the court. As for me, I will give my vote to Kobe again because even after being off for 18 days, he came back to his team and didn’t miss a beat. He lit those teams up!! His teammates count on him for moral support as well as on the court support, and in the 4th quarter more times than not, he is clutch, The “black mamba”, busted up body and all.

Which is your MVP?

An MVP is the single most valuable player to the team, franchise, and the NBA, deserving of praise and exemplifies all these characteristics without question (the content of one’s true character). LeBron still has some major work to do in a few of these departments. Possibly people put him on a pedestal too soon and he is not worthy of it and drank the kool-aide, too much powder inhalation, or he just doesn’t get it! I want to see the MVP given to someone who worked for it not someone who is a nice guy who should get it just because.

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